NI Package Management Idea Exchange

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Add Auto-register feed feature when installing a NI package

When installing any package from ni, they are auto registering feeds for themselves and their dependencies. It will be good to add to feature so that when configuring and building a package, we can also specify a feed name and uri. The package will automatically register the feed when installing it, just like package from ni does. 


There is really no good way of auto-register a feed when install the package. NIPM API will stuck when running as an post install executable. The executable will be able to execute with no issue when run not at post install. The other way is to directly manipulate with the nipkg.ini which should really be avoided from end user.

Status changed to: Development Started

(copied here from a similar request, since this has more attention)


I would further add, that it would be nice to be able to create a "Add feed only" package that JUST registers feeds... Similar to how NI has the "online" exes that you can download from which only reference packages in feeds and so are very small.


My use case is deploying packages inside of an organization with no outward internet connections.  We can create local feeds, having an "easy" way to allow individuals to subscribe to them w/out using the NIPM advanced feed management would be incredibly useful