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LabView install error: RabbitMQ

I've tried every solution that I could find such as these:

Installation Through NI Package Manager Fails Due to Skyline RabbitMQ - NI

An error occured while installing a package: ni-skyline-rabbitmq-suport( - NI Comm...


Finally, I just unchecked the option for the "Web Server Development Support" as noted in that first link and got things going. I don't need that particular support, so it's not a big issues, but I thought I would at least post the logs and see if it was something on my end


I was not working on a "clean" machine. I had previously installed LabView 2019 but removed everything through package manager. Then I tried installing LabView 2020 and with MSI logs enabled ran into RabbitMQ refusing to install because of failing to execute "delete_user guest" as seen in attached log.


I did poke around in the registry and cached files to make sure I had a clean enough install environment but nothing seemed to work.

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