NI Package Manager (NIPM)

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[Package Builder] Ongoing support / updates / new versions

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It's been >1 Year since there was any sort of update released for the NI Package Builder.

I know there's some activity on the feature request boards, but thought it was worth asking about ongoing support for this product?


Most NI products have at least yearly, if not half/quarterly releases, and I'm wondering if this is the target for this tool as well? 


Our company has started to invest quite a bit of time / energy into porting different things into NI Package Builder build specs, and I would like to gauge whether it's a good idea to continue to do so, or whether we should start looking in different directions...



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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author jyoung8711

Hi jyoung, thanks for asking your questions and I love to hear that your company is supporting future use of NI Package Builder. You are correct that our last NI Package Builder release was 20.6 in 2021 Q1 about a year ago. The developers working on Package Management related features spent most of there time updating NI Package Manager last year, and that focus will continue in 2022, however, we are aware of a set of known issues in NI Package Builder 20.6 that we do want to address earlier in 2022.


There are important NI package management features that still need to be implemented to better support ADEs like LabVIEW and NI Package Builder, so that will also continue to be our focus in early 2022. If there are specific features for NI Package Builder that are impacting your adoption, I would love to start a discussion or meet to better understanding how you are adopting NI Package Builder and its “build spec”. I will send you a private message to share my email with you.

Scott Richardson
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Message 2 of 3

NI has released Package Builder 2022 Q3 which supports TestStand 2021. See this post for more information.


Scott Richardson
Message 3 of 3