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Access counter 5313xa / 53131a with IVI Step Types

Good morning!


I want to use the counter 53131A from Agilent in TestStand. Due to the fact that there is no specific step for a counter I tried to access the instrument with the IVI Tools step.

But I just can perform the Init operation at any other operation an error occurs 'The season handle is invalid...'


Cheers Frank


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Message 1 of 10
I don't understand what you are trying to do. The IVI Foundation has not released an IVI Counter class so even if you manage to register the driver in MAX and create a session (which I doubt you can do), there is no way to program it and get a measurement. You will have to do this with a code module.
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Message 2 of 10

Thanks for your answer. I am trying to start a measurement from TestStand using the IVI Drivers.

I registered the driver in MAX and was able to create a season that's why I was thinking I could use the instrument  via the IVI Tools.

If you say that this is not possible unless there is no IVI Counter class then I have to find an other way to use the instrument in TestStand.


But there is still the question, why NI writes an IVI Driver ?



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Message 3 of 10

Hi Frank,


I am using the same Device in our production field.  I am using instead of IVI (unless i allways prefer IVI) the VISA driver

and this is working well ! (I have recompiled the SRC to get help Information to TS)

Take a look at the example




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Message 4 of 10

Dupicated !

Message Edited by j_dodek on 04-29-2009 02:13 AM
Sessions NI-Week 2017 2016
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Message 5 of 10
If I had to guess, the IVI driver was written to a preliminary IVI Counter class spec. If you want an IVI Counter Class driver, see You can find the minutes from the last meeting.
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Message 6 of 10


Thanks for your code!



Thanks for your answers!



Cheers Frank

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Message 7 of 10

Now that IviCounter has been added to the IVI Compliance Package 4.1 has anyone successfully controlled a 53131A using the Labview IviCounter pallette. I have installed IVI Compliance PAckage 4.1, NI-VISA 4.6.2 and now have the IviCounter pallette available in Labview 8.6. However when I try to communicate using this pallette I get an error for all commands except for "IviCounter" and "IviCounter".


The error is code BFFA0011


"IviCounter IVI Error<ERR>

 Primary Error: (Hex 0xBFFA0011) Function or method not supported.

 Elaboration: FunctionId: 58,  FunctionName: ConfigureFrequencyManual


<b>Complete call chain:</b>

   IviCounter IVI Error

   IviCounter Configure Frequency



My question is has any successfully taken a measurement using the IviCounter pallette?

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Message 8 of 10


  just had a quick look at our updates to the IVI drivers and it appears that there's a newer version updated in July of this year that could help :

have you tried this version yet?




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Message 9 of 10

Will try this in the next few weeks with the IVI Compliance  Package 4.2

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Message 10 of 10