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Additional result does not display

The additional result does not get logged on the report. Attach is the image of the settings.


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Message 1 of 4

Change the condition to True.


Also, make sure you have reporting enabled for that step.  In the properties under Run Options check the Record Results box.


Can you send a snippet of the report and what you are seeing there for that step?

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Message 2 of 4

I do have Record Results checked for this statement step.

Also in the attached Result snapshot this particular step is "Update TPS Power Supply".

After making the suggested modifications it still does not log to report.



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Message 3 of 4

If you go to Configure>>Report Options what is your Result Filtering Expression set to?


Do other steps exhibit this behavior?


Have you modified the Process Model at all?


Basically when I throw down a Statement step and do the same thing as you (minus the fileglobal part) then I see the additional result just fine using the default process model.

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