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ForEach subscript

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I am having trouble specifying the Current subscript in the ForEach step.


I have a local array of containers called FreqContainer where each container contains three numbers: LoFreq, MidFreq, and HiFreq.


On the ForEach Loop tab Array to Iterate Over is : Locals.FreqContainer, Current Element and Current Offset are blank. The Current Subscript  is a string, Locals.Iteration.


In a step in the foreach loop I try to access one of the elements using:

 Locals.CurrentFreqMHz = Locals.FreqContainer[Locals.Iteration].MidFreq


The subscript causes a problem, it appears to be '[''[0]'']'.


Can't find much useful documentation or examples on ForEach.


thanks, jvh


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

You probably need to do "[\"[0]\"]"



Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5


@Ray Farmer wrote:

You probably need to do "[\"[0]\"]"



Perhaps my post was unclear, In the expression "Locals.CurrentFreqMHz = Locals.FreqContainer[Locals.Iteration].MidFreq", Locals.Iteration is being interpreted as '[''[0]'']'


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author jvh75021

Assuming you have a single dimensional zero-based array, you should use Current Offset, not Current Subscript.


The subscript is a string so that it can return a multidimensional subscript in a single value. To use it in an expression, you would need to call Evaluate such as:


Evaluate("Locals.MyArray" + Locals.Subscript) = 10

Message 4 of 5

Thanks James.


I have been searching for documentation or an example that delineates the difference between subscript and offset. I think  there could be a little more information on ForEach and examples that use "offsets" and subscripts. Being a text coder, subscript seemed logical to me.


Much obliged.



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Message 5 of 5