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[HELP] Teststand error when using labView runtime engine...

I have an extensive TestStand 3.5 project which I am working on.  This project uses a large number of LabVIEW 2012 VI’s.  (Note: The version of TestStand cannot be changed).  When TestStand 3.5 LabVIEW Adaptor is configured to “Development System (Active Version: 12.0)” all the sequence run and perform as expected.


When I change the TestStand 3.5 LabVIEW Adaptor is configured to “LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 12.0” then I get an -18002 error in the first VI called by the sequence and nothing runs.  Now this sequence contains a standard library VI in it “Check if File or Folder”.


From research I realised that I needed to deploy the software properly.  So created a LabVIEW project with all the sequences and VI’s in it and a “Source Distribution”.  I also unchecked “Exclude files from vi.lib”, “Exclude files from instr.lib”, and, “Exclude files from user.lib”.  After building the project I get a “data” folder full of VI’s and control files (273 of them).


Next I created an “Installer” and added build to the correct place.  I can see the “data” folder in the source files section.


When I install this distribution kit on a PC, which happens to have full LabVIEW 2012 development on it, all the files install but the “data” folder is missed out!!!


If I then attempt to run the installed top level sequence I get the same -18002 broken VI error as before.  If I manually copy the “data” folder into the same place as it was built it makes no difference.


Anyone got any suggestions?

Christopher Povey

Principle Test Systems Engineer for BAE Systems.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2

Bit of additional information:


I created a blank LabVIEW 2012 project. To this I added one VI which included a call to "Check if File or Folder". Then added one TestStand 3.5 Sequence which contained a call to the VI above.


I then added a build to the project and built the project. This resulted in a folder with the sequence file, my VI and a Data folder containing the "Check if File or Folder". When I tried to run the TestStand sequence with LabVIEW Run-Time Engine selected it failed as before.


Next I added another LabVIEW step to my sequence calling "Check if File or Folder" from the "Data" folder. It then worked!


I then modified my VI and added the MD5 checker VI (forget the exact name). It added some files to the dependences in the LabVIEW project. I rebuilt it and ran it again and again it worked. I did not need to add the additional VI's in the "Data" folder to the sequence file.


If I remove the LabVIEW step to my sequence calling "Check if File or Folder" though it breaks again.


This is not ideal though as it is a bit chicken and egg. In order for the project to work I need to add one of the VI's from the generated "Data" folder into a sequence in the project, but I can't do that until I build the project to create the "Data" folder!

Christopher Povey

Principle Test Systems Engineer for BAE Systems.
0 Kudos
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