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Import and keep Property loader values.

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Hello all, 


We use the property loader very heavily here. We use it to import hundreds of limits and sometimes we use it to import the Comparison Type, Lower/Upper Limit, the Units (of measurement) and the numeric format. This makes our code very easy to change but it also makes it very hard to read because the limits are only populated at run-time. I was hoping to be able to use a property loader step located within the 'SequenceFileLoad' call back so that every time the file is opened the user may read all limits and such. 


My problem is that the property loader does not keep the parameter values after run-time. I was able to do this by using the Import/Export Tool and then selecting the "Import" option at the bottom of the windows. This works great! 


Now my problem is that i cannot automate the use of the Import/Export Tool because i dont know how to place this step as an 'action'. Is there any way to use this tool as an action? Or any other way to automate this process?




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Message 1 of 5

The Import/Export Tool is an sequencefile with the sequence called ImportExport.

"C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand <version>\Components\Tools\GenericImportExport.seq"


There's one step in ImportExport, a DLL StepType which call DB_PLImportExportProperties. You can find the code in Components\StepTypes\Database.


If you do play around with this code then make a copy and place it in the User folder before you start. The actual function call is in the file PropertyLoader.c




Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Thanks for your response.


Although i don't have a problem modifying code in order to get it to work, this project would not compile the first time and I wont be able to get away with modifying TS steps here. 


Any other ideas? No settings that can be configured on the property loader? Any ActiveX plugins that could do this?



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hi ES,


When you say that the project would not compile, what errors are you running into with it?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author esemper1

Property Loader was updated in TestStand 2016. More details on new property loader is present in this link.

Using the newer property loader step, you can preview the runtime behavior at edit time by clicking a button in the step settings pane of the property loader step.

Preview can help to better understand what will be the state of sequence file when the step is executed.

Hope this improves the readability part.



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Message 5 of 5