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LabVIEW runtime error in TestStand


I've mde this test sequence on TestStand to verify a series of functionalities on a board. The results of the different tests are loaded in some fileglobals and in the end a PDF report is generated using these informations. Everything is developed in LabVIEW 2021 64bit and has to run on a pc without LabVIEW (development system) on TestStand 2020 64bit, so i installed the LabVIEW runtime 2021 64bit.


Everything works fine, and all the tests are completed succesfully, but the PDF step is giving me some problems: at every start of TestStand, when i run the sequence for the first time and the program has to preload all the Vi's, the PDF step gives me this error saying that the vi can't be run by the Runtime 21.0 because the vi is borken. But the vi is not broken, in fact when i press "OK" and try to run again the sequence this error disappears, everything works fine and the PDF report is perfectly generated.


I've tried to load dinamically the VI and to load it 2 times in the sequence ignoring the errors in the first call (screenshot attached) but it doesn't work (actually maked the problem worst because it gives the error every time i run it this way).


Did anyone already encountered this problem? Do you know how can i fix it? 

Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 22

Can you please provide the information which is mentioned in the error message?




It looks like the VI is called from a lvlibp. Do I understand correctly, that this is a proprietry library built by you?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 22

Here it is. Yes is a packed library built by me with all the VIs called by teststand during the sequence. 

In particular the PDF VI called in the sequence is made using a PDF library that i found online to make PDFs in LabVIEW, and the library itself is called in the packed library so that all the referenced are inside it and nothing is missing. 
I have discarded the option that is a problem of the VI itself because, as i explained before, this error occurs only during the FIRST run of the sequence, after i terminate the execution after the error and i start it again everything works fine and the PDF is correctly generated.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 22

Just to make sure (since I stumble over issues myself from time to time )

Have you included all required DLLs in the lvlibp build?




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 22

Yes, is included in the project with the PDF creator library.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 22

Sorry for the further questions here....


How do you link the DLL within your build script?


Do you have the exclude option set?

Did you specify a dedicated location for the DLL to be copied to in Source File Settings?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 22

Those options are not selected. I attach the screenshot of what is included in the packed library (the folder with the PDF library and the dll is not).

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Message 7 of 22

In the build output directory, is the dll placed alongside the PPL?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 22

Yes it is actually included as you can see here.

Download All
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 22

So we've covered the ususal suspects... need to think

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Message 10 of 22