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Live DAQ waveform data to UI during Seq execution

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I'm sure this has been asked but I cant find a clear solution to my issue. I'm in the design phase of my test and I have to monitor a waveform and show it to the user as the sequence is running. I would like to run DAQ in a separate thread so that it continuously monitors the data from coming from the DUT while the main sequences processes other events and controls the test parameters.


My concept will be start a separate thread that will monitor a daq channel and send the data to a graph on the UI. I will set a Boolean variable to start and stop the thread from the main seq but I'm not sure how to send the "live" data to the UI.


Are there any examples on how to view the live data in the distribution of TestStand examples? If not are there any comments on best practices or previous threads in the discussion forum I could review?

Bill Lewis
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Bill_Lewis

you can use UI Messages.


Why can't you do what you did here:



~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~
Message 2 of 3

You could also do this with queues or (if you're using LabVIEW) LabVIEW subpanels, but as for 'best practices' - I'm with Jigg. UI Messages let you keep the UI independent from your sequence file. If your test sequence is expecting a specific named queue to already exist, you won't be able to run it from any other UI without getting errors.
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