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Local variable doesn't list elements in array



I've created a cluster that contains all the different potential errors in my sequence. After making it an output, I created a custom data type and made a local variable of that type. When I expand this local variable and look at an array of numbers and an array of strings, I found out that it was empty [0...empty], so I added the number of elements that I needed.


In a different VI I use this local variable as an input. Here the manually added numbers and strings don't show up, and they don't seem to get passed in either.


Can anyone tell from the image what I did wrong? The problem is "SIO4_ Errors" and "Element 2".





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Message 1 of 2

Hi q-bertsuit,


I tried this out and you are right about the array elements not showing up in the step settings panel. This is expected since you are passing in the array as a variable and not specifying its elements individually.


However, if you had added some elements to these arrays in your local variable, then these values do get passed in to the LabVIEW VI (I did a step-in and checked).


So am i missing something here?



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