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Message Popup sizing TS 4.0



Since moving to TestStand 4.0 from 3.0 we've noticed that a message popup with the buttons arranged to the right or left and with no message text has a big blank space where the message text would go if it were to be entered. For this particular project we use the text on the button to define the message. Any thoughts / sneaky tips on how to lose this unwanted whitespace?



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Message 1 of 4

Hi Mike,


i see the problem and was able to reproduce it. Unfortunately i don't see a property for the Message Popup Step to define the space of the blank area.


One possible solution is to create your own Message Popup in LabVIEW or CVI and and use the output to decide which button was hit... I know that is a little bit more of work but it would solve your problem.




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Message 2 of 4

Mike -

Just to let you know that we have recorded this cosmetic issue as something to consider addressing in the future. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Scott Richardson
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Message 3 of 4

Thanks for your replies guys, just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something before I coded round it. A bit of a nice to have anyway!



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Message 4 of 4