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PropertyExists Bug?

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I'm trying to determine if a variable exists, just like I've done many many times in the past and I'm finding this unexpected behavior...


Does anyone have a clue of what could be going on in here?Basically the PropertyExists method evaluates to False but when I add the property to the Watch View it actually returns a valid value


Is this a known issue? (Using TS2010SP1 on W764bit)







0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

Solved this problem by using Parameters.Caller.Exists("Step.TekStep.Common.Retry.Grouped",0) to look for the property in the caller context

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10
Accepted by topic author icastillejos




PropertyObject.Exists ( lookupString, options)

Return Value


Returns True if the property exists.


Returns True if the property the lookupString parameter specifies exists.


lookupString As String

[In] Pass the name of a subproperty within the PropertyObject. Refer to Lookup Strings for more information about the strings you can use.

options As Long

[In] Pass 0 to specify the default behavior, or pass one or more PropertyOptions constants. Use the bitwise-OR operator to specify multiple options.


Ray Farmer
Message 3 of 10

Is your Caller parameter a reference? If so this is a known limitation that will be addressed in a future version. The internal issue tracking number is 200893 if you ever need to discuss it with NI.  Your work around is the recommended work around.

Message 4 of 10

It is a reference indeed, thanks for the CAR info...

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

Still having the same issue in TS 2014.  Has this been addressed?

Not my tempo... AGAIN!
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

It was fixed in TestStand 2012. One thing that might be leading to some confusion though is that you need to leave out the name of the property that the object reference points to. For example:


If you have an object reference variable "Locals.Var1" and that is set to a variable called Var2 which contains a subproperty called Var3 you have to use the lookupstring "Locals.Var1.Var3" to access Var3 rather than "Locals.Var1.Var2.Var3".


Hope this helps,


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

Hi Dug, thanks for the response.  I think I understand what you're saying, but maybe I don't.  Can you explain to me how I should modify my PropertyExists statement in this specific instance so it correctly recognizes the existence of RunState.Root.Sequence.Locals.UUT.SerialNumber, in accordance with your previous post?


Thanks for your time!

Not my tempo... AGAIN!
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

RunState.Root.Sequence.Locals.UUT.SerialNumber is not actually a PropertyObject property path, you should be using RunState.Root.Locals.UUT.SerialNumber instead (without "Sequence"). Your access to "Sequence" is really an API in expressions access to the API property, Sequence, on the SequenceContext interface. It's not a PropertyObject subproperty. You can see this if you look in the variables view under the RunState.Root property while at a breakpoint. There is no "Sequence" subproperty there.


Hope this helps clarify things. Let me know if you have any additional questions regarding this.


Message 9 of 10

OK.  That makes sense.  Thank you for taking the time to answer that, Dug!

Not my tempo... AGAIN!
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 10