NI TestStand

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Recent Windows10 or IE 11 patch no longer processes any of the Report generator TR5_Horitzontal Style sheets, gives processing error.

Can you elaborate more on what you mean by the report viewing tool? 


In TestStand 2019, which will be in beta in the upcoming weeks, TestStand will have the capability to generate PDF reports natively. 

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Message 11 of 15

Several releases ago in one of the data add on packages, there was an XML viewer provided by NI.  I think it was part of "NI TestStand Toolkit for Large Application Development" , but not sure if this was just a sequence file viewer and did not handle style sheets for log files. 


If it does not support it, I guess my question simply drops to what viewers are supported?  RIght now I can only get IE to work.  BTW, our IT group loaded 1803, and now cannot view the log files, and they are now digging into why.

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Message 12 of 15

Are you still seeing the issue with reports on build 1803? Were you able to narrow down the source? 


For TestStand 2017, we officially only support Internet Explorer. For TestStand 2019 (which is currently in beta at, we will support all viewers and will be able to generate a PDF report.



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Message 13 of 15

We have confirmed that that 1803 breaks the viewer again.  Our IT is experimenting with different patches to see if they can find which one may fix it. 


That is good news about TS2019.

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Message 14 of 15

Our IT has had little luck with their test install of 1803 and IE.  It is still doing the same thing as I reported with the earlier W10 releases and whatever patches we had.  We still have no solid lead on which patch fixed the issue on 1709 and the earlier one.


Did you try 1803 as well?

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Message 15 of 15