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Set property value using a Process Model

I need to stop the while loop inside my TestStand sequence.
To do this, I change the value of a boolean FileGlobals using the Set property Value.
This solution works only if I run the sequence without process model.
If i run the code using the process model, I'll get error -17306.

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Message 1 of 3

If you use non-sequential model then perhaps you try to set globals for the wrong thread. To have globals shared between by all threads you need to set this in sequence file properties.


Anyways, I have two questions:

1. Why can't you use simple assignment? E.g. fileglobals.x = 666.

2. Why can't you use synchronisation steps like notification to stop the loop? I think it would be more elegant.

Michał Bieńkowski

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Message 2 of 3

Hi Michal ,thanks for your reply.


I'm using the default SequentialModel. 


The code that I upload it is just a small example of a more complex architecture.


So, I need to change the value of some FileGlobals of TestStand from LabVIEW.




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