NI TestStand

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Smaller TestStand Deployment?



Can a smaller/faster deployment be built which contains only changes?


Currently I am generating a deployment every time I need to modify or add to my LabVIEW libraries, and then install it over the original deployment on my test PC.  Instead of creating a new ~1GB complete deployment containing the modified code and unchanged elements can I instead create an incremental deployment build.  The core TestStand and LabVIEW system remains unchanged along with many other libraries and dependencies so is it possible these can somehow be ignored in the deployment build - preferably with the tool sensing via comparison with a previous build no changes have occurred.


Maybe there is a document which provides guidance/best practices on optimal deployments?



Kind Regards,



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Should have said


TS 4.1.1

LV 8.6

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The best documentation available for TestStand 4.1 deployments is Chapter 14, Deploying TestStand Systems, of the NI TestStand Reference Manual. The PDF is available online:



TestStand Documentation
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You can build two deployments, one for core and one for test sequences. Install the core once and then the test sequences many. You'll have to experiment with it yourself to get the right mix, but I'd put the test sequences and all the VIs in one, and the TestStand engine, process model, ini files in the core. Others use this approach. In general, you should always do a build and not replace individual VIs.


NOTE: I believe in TestStand 2010, if you use LabVIEW 2010 Packed Libraries, you can safely replace individual VIs on your runtime machine, in essence creating a "patch" for your installations. This is new and I haven't thoroughly checked it out.


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