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Step failure causes sequence failure Option

Make sure you don't have the station option set to go to cleanup on failure if that's not the behavior you want. This setting is at the bottom of the execution tab on the station options dialog box. It's unset by default. The default behavior is that a failed step doesn't effect the execution of the sequence, subsequent steps will still run and their results will still be recorded. The Step failure causes sequence failure option only means that the status of the sequence is affected by the step's failure.


Hope this helps,


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 12

Hi Ray ,

I'v tried the solution you suggested didn't work .

Step failure causes sequence failure Option -  When i UnChecked this option the code runs ok .

What i did't was simply bypass it with some Check Steps , a bit long but it's doing the job .

Thank you for your help .




Kobi Kalif
Software Engineer

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 12