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TS2016 expression recommends array of containers in wrong hierarchy


     I'm just start to use TS2016 not sure what i describe here is an issue.

I create a series of array of containers like below picture:


But when I program in expression of editor, the input hint shows like this:

Container wrong.jpg

it's not the element level I want to input, please help to check, thanks!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

So you have a variable which is an 1D array of 3 elements, each element is a 1D array of containers and each of these elements is also a 1D array of containers. How does it end?

for example what does container Num hold? At the moment your last container has no fields.



If Mode was an array of containers "PS","SG","LD" and the first field in "PS" to be a numeric type called "Num"

then I would expect the expression for Mode to be

Locals.Mode["PS"].Num = 5


What are you expecting?



Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Yes, Farmer.   All the elements in the hierarchy are 1D array of containers except the last one's elements are set to number or string.

In the expression of the picture, I expected it should display the 1st element of current array like a common 1D array.

eg. when I type [ after Mode["PS"]["Num"], in the little hint window it should recommend the element of array{Num}, but not the element of main array{Mode} as in the picture.

Thanks for your reply!

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Message 3 of 3