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Teststand sequence viewer

MustangHip -


That seems like an unusually long time. Are you using the latest version of the Sequence File Viewer? The Large Application Development Toolkit was updated roughly a month ago on Also, what happens if you attempt to save one of the TestStand example sequence files in XML format and open it with the Viewer. Does it still take 5+ minutes to open the file? Try testing this with the computer.seq sequence file located in <TestStand Public>\Examples\Demo\C.


Please let me know. Thanks!

Manooch H.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13

The file was converted from binary to xml by changing the sequence file properties through teststand. I downloaded the toolkit yesterday and the readme file states that it is ver After converting the demo sequence file to xml (they are defaulted as bin files to save space) the view has no problem opening or browsing this small file. The labview computer motherboard demo file is only 509KB after being converted. The file that I'm trying to view is 33MB after being converted and it takes forever to load with the viewer. Using TestStand it opens within 5 seconds.

Why do geeks think Halloween and Christmas occur on the same day?
Because 31oct = 25dec!
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13

Mustanghip -


I will look into this and let you know what I find. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Manooch H.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 13