NI TestStand

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Upgraded TestStand, getting errors with msvcr90.dll

Recently I upgraded a Test Station from TestStand 3.1 to TestStand 2010.  I left both versions installed.  I tried to copy over all of the Cfg and Components folders so as to keep the original test software running as it used to, just with the new TestStand version.  Well I couldn't get it to work quite right so I used the version selector to change back to 3.1.  Now I get errors trying to run the original untouched S/W, saying that my .dll could not be loaded because the msvcr90.dll could not be found or loaded.  I never changed any of the original TestStand files for 3.1 so this is confusing to me.


I did a Windows search and found msvcr90.dll in a couple locations but my question is where is TestStand looking for it to be?  My .dll for the test software was compiled in CVI and I'm running the software on a Windows XP Pro SP2 OS.  I can't find much help on the topic as it seems pretty specific, and I'm not too educated in the dependencies of Windows .dll's.....


Any help on the topic would be greatly appreciated.  If you need more information I will try my best to provide accurately what I can.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hi J.Korn,


You should be fine having multiple versions of TestStand installed on the same machine. As for using the Version Selector, the ini file can be edited so you choose the version of the msvcr90.dll that is appropriate for your version of TestStand ( This should have happened automatically though. You can also try opening the 3.1 version from the start menu if that doesn't work.


As for getting your code working in 2010… are you getting any errors when you open your sequence file?




Michael M

NI Americas | AE

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Do you receive errors if you tell the Version Selector to make TestStand 2010 active? Could you post screenshots of the errors you get with an explanation of when/where the errors appear (i.e. what steps are taken to induce the errors)?


I don't recommend modifying anything in the Version Selector INI file.

Manooch H.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Hello, I'm also helping Jared with this problem...


We just rebuilt a brand new hard drive with Windows XP SP3 and didn't even install the old TestStand 3.1 stuff.  We only installed NI Suite 2011, and we still get the same .dll error.


The error occurs on the very first C/C++ DLL TestStand step type trying to call our C code that's been compiled into a DLL.  I don't have screen shots, we'll have to add them to this post later.


We do not get any errors when opening TestStand 2010 SP1.  I also ran from the CVI debugger environment, and it never even got into the CVI code to stop at the very first line of code.  That tells me that TestStand is throwing that .dll error and not anything else from our project.


It only throws the error on the C/C++ DLL step type though, the other step types work just fine.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Try opening and running the <TestStand Examples>\AccessingArraysUsingAPI\UsingMFC\AccessingArrays.seq example. Do you still receive the same error? Please post a screenshot.

Manooch H.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7



Just got back from the test station, I did not have a chance to try what you suggested. 


I did however, figure out a work around from reading another person's post.  I copied the MSVCR90.dll and the ArPdSps.dll files into the folder that contained my Sequence file.  It worked after that.  I did a quick search on the hard drive and picked the latest dll files to copy.


I know this is just a workaround for the real issue, but I believe it's an NI issue with differering Microsoft Windows versions.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Most likely there is a code module that you are calling from one of your sequences that is depending on msvcr90.dll (I think TestStand does not depend on this runtime so does not install it). If your code modules are depending on this, you should be installing Microsoft's redistributable version of the msvc 9.0 runtime. Perhaps a 3rd party dll you are using has a dependency on this runtime but is not installing it (though it probably should be).


If you download (from Microsoft) and install the msvc 9.0 (visual studio 2008 C runtime libraries) that should fix your problem.


Hope this helps,


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Message 7 of 7