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Why does Labview hang when switching from one TestStand application to another?

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I have several 2013 TestStand applications that use a number of LabView 2013 VIs on a test computer.  When the operator closes one TestStand program and opens another often Labview does not close properly and so when TestStand tries to load the LabView VIs it hangs or just runs and every test that is affected by LabView fails.  The only potential issues that I know about are that two of the applications were created in LabView 2009 and then updated to 2013.  Then two other TestStand applications that were created in 2013 use the function "UnloadAllModules". 


Are there any known issues with LabView 2013 that cause this or any ideas of what I might be doing wrong?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

I didn't see your particular situation listed here:


The operator is just closing one Test Sequence and opening another when this happens?

Do the sequences share VI's?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Yes, the Teststand applications call some of the same VIs.


Kurt Howard

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

You will want to unload the VI's from memory in TestStand in between Sequence Files.

When TestStand uses a LabVIEW adapter, it loads that VI into memory. You can specify how you want TestStand to do this:



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Did you ever find any solutions with this?

It seems even if I set the VIs to load dynamically/close after executes... it still takes a long time to run the first VI the first time after starting a new UI/application.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7



Please see my reply to the other post here:


I believe this is contributing to the issue you are seeing. If the patch does not resolve the issue though, please let us know!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7
Accepted by topic author kurtus_h

Hello Michael,


I did find my issue.  In my case a VI was not getting closed properly in cleanup due to the previous command not passing the handler out correctly.  Thus this VI would remain open and when I ran another TestStand Sequence, when it tried to load that LabView VI it would just hang.  But the result of this error could be seen when I closed TestStand and LabView stayed open (since it was frozen) or when done running the sequence and closing it.  Then if you tried to pop-up LabView it would not show the starting splash screen because it had froze.


I found the problem by turning on the show VI front panel option in TestStand for all of the VI calls.  The VI that stayed open was the problem VI.


Thanks everyone who responded for your help!



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Message 7 of 7