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description column writing gives problems



I last posted a message that I wanted to display a string in the description column.

Step.StepType.DescriptionExpr ="Step.Result.String"


This worked!


Now I made a 'Do While' loop.

Here I measure a voltage and the conditions are that the loop maybe left when it measures.

Locals.TestVoltage >0.1


When measuring I always want to update the measured value so I declared 'Locals.TestVoltage'.

And in the Post-Expression: I entered:

Step.StepType.DescriptionExpr ="Locals.TestVoltage"


After this action whenever I do a 'NumericLimitTest" I get the value "Locals.TestVoltage" printed in the description column.

So somehow I set some ini parameter of teststand and how do I set this back? Maybe I did not do it right like I just described.


Also I get the screenshot below when I load the sequence file:







0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

You mentioned NumericLimitValue but the error refers to the StringValueTest, are you sure you are referring to the correct error?

Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Why are you modifying the step type description setting dynamically? That is intended to be a setting written by the step type developer, not something you modify at runtime. If you want to create a custom column displaying something different than the step type's description, I recommend you change the Step List Configuration instead and create a new column that displays the things you want.


Hope this helps,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

I have made an extra colum with the Cation "_TESTVALUE", I kept the looks the same as the other names in the list.

But when writing a string or number to it, I get an error.


Step.StepType._TESTVALUE = "Locals.test"



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

@darkxceed wrote:

I have made an extra colum with the Cation "_TESTVALUE", I kept the looks the same as the other names in the list.

But when writing a string or number to it, I get an error.


Step.StepType._TESTVALUE = "Locals.test"



I didn't mean adding another property to the step type. I meant adding another column to the step list in the UI or sequence editor. What exactly are you trying to do? Is this your own custom step type or are you modifying one of the built-in ones?



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Message 5 of 5