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modifying labwindows parallel model interface

well guys,


I got two question about the labwindows "Operator interface" into the parallel model (the one to manage the UUT).

I'm modifying it following my requirements and I need to know if it's possible to read from this interface a fileglobals from one of the ten threads launch by the parallel interface model (I have 10 UUT at a same time possible).

I'm thinkin that maybe I have two possibilities to do that, Or  I read this variable from the labwindows parallel interface with kind of RunState.Index[0->9].Fileglobals.MyVariable, Or I use a new labwindows function called by my sequence to refresh the value of my current index, function like in the postuut of the parallelmodel ?


I need some point of view for that, all of that because I want to add a progress bar (0% -> 100%) to the labwindows operator interface so I wanna read or get the value of the evolution of my UUT Current Index.

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Message 1 of 3

Hello henry,


Your application is quite interresting :).

Within the parallel model you  have the runstate.Testsockets.MyIndex  , you can also create an array of numerique, (filesglobals or stations globals), and add an expression  in the sequence at the beggining, for exemple Array[runstate.Testsockets.MyIndex]=0, then when the sequence is finish   Array[runstate.Testsockets.MyIndex]=1.
Then in you CVI code, you can use the API Teststand in order to receive the array and you will know which sequence is finish, you can also use intermerdiaire expression for the array in your sequence.

So, it is a solution that i can choose.


Nacer M. | Certified LabVIEW Architecte

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Message 2 of 3

hello Mister Moktari,Smiley Happy


well I found solution for my question, everything is ok now, just got my problem of database into my Labview OI.


hope to see you in the NIDays


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Message 3 of 3