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unresolvable prototype mismatch with CVI adapter

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After changing prototypes  I'am getting  an error indicaor in the Step settings windows which says :

" the parameters specified by the step do not match the function prototype" :


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Sorry,a liitle bit fighting with the editor

But after pressing the "verify prototype" button there is no error:



Trying to fix the problem by pressing the button with the exclamation mark gives :



But now "verify prototype" is unhappy:



And fixing that I'am again at the start point.  How/where to fix that problem

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

1) What version of TestStand?
2) What is the exact actual prototype in your code?
3) Are you using a type library to include the type information in your dll?


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

@dug9000 wrote:

1) What version of TestStand?
2) What is the exact actual prototype in your code?


void __declspec(dllexport) Sensor_RF_Pulsetop(CAObjHandle seqContextCVI, double *measurement,
 char reportText[1024], short *errorOccurred, long *errorCode, char errorMsg[1024],
 long Channel, long Pulsemode, long Power, long Powermeterhandle, long Counterhandle)

3) Are you using a type library to include the type information in your dll?




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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by topic author markus kossmann

Based on the information you provided, my best guess would be that the DLL specified for the step is not the one created from the source code. It appears that the function that TestStand finds in the DLL does not contain the last 4 parameters.


Did you recompile the CVI project? Did the path to the DLL change?



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Message 5 of 6

Yes you are right. I changed the CVI  but I didn't rebuild the DLL 

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Message 6 of 6