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Engine Simulation Custom Device Feedback

Welcome to the Engine Simulation custom device feedback forum.  Please provide questions or comments with regards to this custom device in this forum.

Message 1 of 247

I installed the Engine Simulation Custom device (2011) but it isn't showing up in veristand (2011).  When I navigate to the custom devices folder I don't see an entry for the Engine Simulation Custom device.  Is there a way to manually install this / re-install it properly?  I re-ran the installer a second time but it just says "nothing to install".  Help would be very much appreciated.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 247

What operating system are you on?  It seems that the installer does not put the files in the correct location if you are using Windows XP.  Try checking to see if the files are located here:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Documents\National Instruments\NI VeriStand 2011\Custom Devices\Engine Simulation

If so, copy the entire "Engine Simulation" directory to:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\NI VeriStand 2011\Custom Devices\Engine Simulation

I'm not sure how easy a fix for this will be, so I might remove the installer from the download page and put up a .zip file instead.  Let me know if the above works, and if not, I'll get you the necessary files.



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Message 3 of 247


I am running windows xp (32 bit).  After I copied the files as you suggested.  The  custom device did show up as an option in Veristand.  But now I am getting an error that states:


Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW:  File not found. The file might have been moved or deleted, or the file path might be incorrectly formatted for the operating system. For example, use \ as path separators on Windows, : on Mac OS X, and / on Linux. Verify that the path is correct using the command prompt or file explorer.


NI-488:  Nonexistent GPIB interface.

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\NI VeriStand 2010\FPGA\PXI-7833R Engine_Simulation_2011.lvbitx


Why is it looking in the Veristand 2010 directory?  I did put the bitfile in the 2011 directory.  Is this hardcoded in a VI / where do i change this.  Regards. ( I did double check to make I copied over the 2011 custom device).

If I sleect continue to get past the errors, I get a box where I can specify the address of the FPGA bitfile, but it seems to just error out and won't take the address.

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Message 4 of 247


I looked at the source code, and there is indeed a "2010" hard-coded in.  I'll need to look into it and find the proper way to fix it.

I believe the problem will only occur if you have your bitfile added to the native NI VeriStand FPGA section (under Hardware\Chassis\FPGA), and the bitfile is located in the NI VeriStand data directory.  A temporary workaround could be to move the bitfile to some other location on disk (ex. "C:\FPGA Bitfiles") so that they are reference in NI VeriStand by an absolute path.

Sorry for the difficulties.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 247


I created a new Veristand project.  Added the custom device, pointed to the bitfile (which was located in the C:\BitFile directory) then added the bitfile to the hardware section.  I didn't get an error this time.  I will finish up and try to deploy the project to my PXI with a 7833R fpga and let you know how it goes (I already successfully built the bitfile for the 7833R using info from the 2010 engine simulation beta forum).



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 247

Hi Robert,

I hope all is well.  Just FYI, I uploaded a new version of the custom device which should resolve the bitfile pathing issues.



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 247


Sounds great.  I will give it a go today.

Thank you for the help,


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 247

Hi Devin,

I am trying to Install the Engine Simulation Custom device with Veristand-2011, according to the precedure @ .

But i am facing a problem in adding the template as mentioned in step no.2. I am attaching a screenshot of the same.Please help me out of this!

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 247


I had the same issue after installing.  First off, did you download the NI VeriStand 2011 Engine Simulation Custom Device recently, or right after it came out?  I ask because Devin made a change to it and uploaded a new version after my discussion whith him earlier in this thread.

I eventually installed the 2010 version first, then the 2011 version on top of it.  the 2010 version has files that are not in the 2011 version.  I don't know if this will help.  But it is what I ended up doing and I haven't havd issues since.



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Message 10 of 247