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4461 output issue

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Hi everyone,


I have a problem with one of my output, the output generation is incorrect,  it seems to be a hardware problem.

The card working properly until now, and i haven't change the connection before the onset of the problem. The output is connect to a voltage amplifier and to one input of the card.


Now when I tired to generate with max a 10V sinus, i have this (joint file)


Any idea of where it may come?


Thnaks you



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Message 1 of 5

Hello gaylordelatour,


Nice details screens ! Can you try the same measurments with your voltage amplifier disconnected from 4461 ? To try to identify where the issue comes from.


Thanks in advance for your feedback.


Best regards,

Jérôme Henrion | ONERA - Digital RF Engineer | CLA | CTA
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Message 2 of 5

In fact I took these screen with only the output AO0 connected to the input AI0, the two other (A01 and AO1) are not connected, the scheme was the connection configuration when I discovered the problem.


So it's very weird nothing is supposed to damaged the output in this configuration, the voltage amplifier work fine I use it with the second output of the card now.

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author gaylordelatour

You card may be damaged, you can ask for a repair I think,


Best regards,


Jérôme Henrion | ONERA - Digital RF Engineer | CLA | CTA
Message 4 of 5

Did you check the negative power supply voltage and grounding of the amplifier?

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Message 5 of 5