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NI-7344 interface with PI M-415.DG stages possible?

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I would like to know if it's possible to interface a PXIe having a motion controller NI-7344 with a 3 axis (x,y,z) configuration with PI stages model M-415.DG.

I know that to "simplify setup and operation of NI-PI systems, PI has developed the C-809.40 amplifier, which permits interconnection of up to four PI micropositioning systems and an NI controller such as the 7344."
I am asking this because the model PI M-415.DG is not present in the list of the compatible stages on the NI website, only M-415.2S and M-415.PD are there :
  M-415.2S - Linear Stage

- Linear Stage

If it's possible to use this module for the M-415 DG stages, and if yes, do it mean that a UMI774 motion interface is not required ?
Any thoughts are welcome.
Thanks in advance.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 16

Hello Alex,


It might work but if the device is not listed I can't guaranty you that it will.


You'd better contact Polytec PI(Physik Instrumente) to check with them if this device  is compatible with 7344.



Mathieu P. | Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
National Instruments France

Journées techniques : des fondamentaux aux dernières technologies pour la mesure et le contrôle/comm...

Message 2 of 16


yes, you can drive the M-415.DG stage with NI-7344. There is no UMI774 needed.

Let me know if you have further questions regarding the use of PI (Physikinstrumente) systems.

Best regards,





Message 3 of 16

Thank you very much for your answers to both of you :),


Gabriela, are you a PI representative or have you successfully used the interface provided by PI with the stages M-415.DG ?


I also would like to know if there are any VIs provided by PI and tutorials to easily drive the stages and where I can download them.


Are the NI motion assistant and Softmotion usable with these stages? Sorry if that sounds a bit silly but I have never done any motion control with the 7344 or these modules yet, but will probably have to for my project.


Thank you very much for your help.





0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16

Hello Alex,

you assumption is correct, I work for PI 🙂

We have for all of our controllers full LabVIEW support. So if you drive the M-415.DG with a PI controller, you can directly use our GCS LabVIEW driver set which would be the easiest solution for you. The C-809 was designed to allow customers to drive PI stages with NI software, so there you would use VIs from NI, not from PI. Documentation for the C-809 is included when you buy the system, but for help on NI motion assistant and Softmotion I would recommend contacting NI directly.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 16

Ok thanks for your fast response,


so to sum up,


1) UMI 7774 is not needed,

2) Ordering a cable to connect the I/O interface C809.40 to the NI-7344 controller is needed (as far as I know it's not included with the C809.40),

3) with this interface, I will be able to drive my x, y and z stages from my PXIe containing the controller.

4) I don't need the C815 module because the PI M-415.DG stages are not PWM ones right?

5) This configuration can replace and improve the 3 old C-860.10 DC motor controllers configuration that where used previously to control the stages


If you can confirm these 5 statements, then I'm definitely done and will get what is required 🙂


Thanks again for your time and consideration






0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16
Accepted by topic author Darxtar

Hello Alex,

yes, I can confirm all points. The only point that is not fully clear is the last one, as I don't know the old C-860.10.

I wish you a lot of success for your application,



Message 7 of 16

Hi Gabriela,


Can I interface any NI controller to the C-809 drive or is it restricted to only to the NI 7344?



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16


sorry for the delay, I was out of office. In need to check this out. Is there any special NI controller that you are interested in? We would check this one first then.

Thanks and Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16

Yes, I was thinking about using the NI 7350 motion controller.



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Message 10 of 16