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Using TCP on the second ethernet interface

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For the "UDP Open", I set the input "port" to "0" to let the system choosing a port. For the "UDP Write", I use a fixed port (50001)


For "TCP Open" I use (50000) for "remote port" input and I didn't plug the "local port" input (to let the system choosing a port)

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Message 11 of 21

The client and the server must have the same port number.

Try with the number 6342.

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Message 12 of 21

OK, thanks, I'll try !

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 21

I tried and it doesn't work. 


But I don't understand why local port and remote port needs to be the same ?


Also, I couldn't try with number 6342 because my remote board is configured to work with port 50000, so I used 50000 as local port ; so both are same.

Is there a special thing with port 6342 ?

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Message 14 of 21

Could you enclosed your LabView code?

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Message 15 of 21



I simplified a lot what I'm doing but everything regarding the TCP is here.

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 21

it's the client part you send me. thanks


Does the code in the server part use Labview?

If yes, do you have it?

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 21

The server part isn't using Labview, its coded in C.


My code is in a Versitand Custom Device. If I run the custom device on localhost (my windows laptop which has only one ethernet port), everything is fine and the Custom Device is able to communicate thourgh TCP. The problem only occurs when the Custom Device is running on the RT Target (because there are two ethernet port I guess).

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Message 18 of 21

Hi Lboucher!


Have you ever try to inverse yours Ethernet interface?


For example: Eth1 = 192.168.x.x

                    Eth2= 10.0.x.x


Best regards

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 21

I tried to set the 2nd port as principal (without changing IP) but after that, the PXI is no more visible on MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer) => I can't upload my Custom Device nor controlling Veristand Channels. 


We have multiple PXI and we have the same problem on all. 

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Message 20 of 21