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Keynote "Angry Eagles" and the Actor Framework

AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

Monday's technical session titled "The Actor Framework: Communication Among Independent Top-Level VIs" included a note that one of the demos during this morning's keynote would be powered by the Actor Framework, although that tidbit wouldn't be discussed in the keynote itself. Audience members were told to watch for the NI Eagle over a moonlit sea. Well, it appears that the keynote presenters decided to go with a sunny beach instead of a moonlit bay, but the Angry Eagles demo was still powered by the Actor Framework. There were multiple actors in that application, one controlling the actual drawing UI, one updating the physics engine, one monitoring the sensors and a few others for various internal processes to give a seamless application out of mutliple independent parts.

To learn more about the Actor Framework, including watching a video of yesterday's presentation, visit the Actor Framework in the Community forums: