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TortoiseGit Show Log - QuickDrop Shortcut

This is one for any TortoiseGit Users out there. 


This QuickDrop Shortcut launches the TortoiseGit log for a VI, folder, library, repo, class, library or project. If you set up LVCompare as your TortoiseGit diff tool, the log is a handy way of selecting 1 or more log entries to diff. It saves having to come out of LabVIEW and find the file in Windows Explorer and navigating the huge TortoiseGit menu!


Required Software:

  • Git (tested with version 2.35.3.windows.1 64-bit)
  • TortoiseGit (tested with version 64-bit)



  • Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+G will bring up the log for the current VI/control
  • Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+Shift+G will bring up the log for the folder containing the current VI/control
  • Ctrl+Space, <Text in QuickDrop window>, Ctrl+Shift+G exposes additional options for which log entries to show:
    • <nothing>, file = this VI
    • folder, f, <shift modifier> = folder of VI on disk
    • repo, r = repo containing VI
    • class, c = folder of class containing VI
    • library, l = folder of library containing VI
    • project, p = folder of project of VI

Default Shortcut - [G]



Here's a demo of me using the shortcut to bring up the log for a file and do a diff with the working tree using LVCompare.

QuickDrop Demo TortoiseGit Show Log.gif


  • Repo
  • Plugin to install: Available on VIPM  for LabVIEW 2018 and later (link added 23/08/22)
  • For those who need an earlier version, I've also attached a zip backsaved for 2015 which you can extract to your <LabVIEW 20xx>\resource\dialog\QuickDrop\plugins or <LabVIEW Data>\Quick Drop Plugins
Message 1 of 8

I'll definitely be checking this out! Any interest in getting this on VIPM?

Message 2 of 8

This looks quite helpful! I've been using my modified (aka bugfixed) version of https://bitbucket.org/jed_d/lv_tortoisegit/ Project Provider to add TortoiseGit functionality to the Project window. But it does require extra navigation that this new QuickDrop shortcut won't.

Message 3 of 8

Thanks Derrick. I'd love to put it on VIPM - submitted it today.

Message 4 of 8

@iannicholson wrote:

This looks quite helpful! I've been using my modified (aka bugfixed) version of https://bitbucket.org/jed_d/lv_tortoisegit/ Project Provider to add TortoiseGit functionality to the Project window. But it does require extra navigation that this new QuickDrop shortcut won't.

I wasn't aware of this - thank you for alerting me to it! Just installed it and it looks great.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

@leahmedwards wrote:

@iannicholson wrote:

This looks quite helpful! I've been using my modified (aka bugfixed) version of https://bitbucket.org/jed_d/lv_tortoisegit/ Project Provider to add TortoiseGit functionality to the Project window. But it does require extra navigation that this new QuickDrop shortcut won't.

I wasn't aware of this - thank you for alerting me to it! Just installed it and it looks great.

Here's my fixed version (the original developer has moved on from LabVIEW; my version just incorporates a couple changes I needed to get it to work properly on the LV version I was on at the time). I believe my newest .vip was compiled for LV 2019.





Message 6 of 8

Hi Leah,


I installed it using VIPM. It works great. Super useful, I think I'll use it often. Thanks!

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

@Petru_Tarabuta wrote:

Hi Leah,


I installed it using VIPM. It works great. Super useful, I think I'll use it often. Thanks!

Thank you Petru! You're welcome - hope you find it useful.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8