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VIPM building a quick drop package missing VIs



I'd like to build a quick drop package which has two VIs one of them is a subVI of the other. For whatever reasons only the main VI is bundled to the package the subvi is missing all the time. I have tried several settings and configs for the build but its always like that.


Not sure if it matters, but the files are next to each other in a subfolder QD folder of labview. In the package builder I see both the file without an issue. I also tried to put the subVI to the vi.lib, but still got the same issue.


Because I ran out of ideas I decided to add another (unrelated) VI to the package. Interestingly that got bundled, so it seems that I only have a problem with subVIs. 


How can I build a build a quick drop package having subVI(s)?



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Message 1 of 3

This sounds like a VIPM build issue, nothing to do with Quick Drop. The only VIPM-related issue I can think of, off the top of my head, is that VIPM probably doesn't include VIs in your package that are saved in a newer version that the LabVIEW version specified in the .vipb. So make sure your file versions all make sense, and other than that, maybe post to the VIPM forums if you're still having issues. 

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Message 2 of 3

It turned out that I have to turn the recompile option off for the VIs I wanted to add to the package. I dont know why, as I only have one labview version installed, but whatever... it works now. Yeah I should have posted that under the VIPM, not to here.

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Message 3 of 3