RF Measurement Devices

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NI USB-5681 with error code -1074134944

The 568x installer has no effect on which versions of LabVIEW show up in MAX, and the driver should work with LV2012.  Did the power meter show up under "Devices and Interfaces"?  If not, try to uninstall the 568x driver and reinstall it.

John Fenner
RF Software Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 11 of 12

John, and Onovole,


Re-installing the driver is not likely to solve this issue (trust me, been there done that)


Dis-connect the device, CLEAR the VISA Alias from MAX Tools>>NI-VISA>>VISA Options (make sure you show disconnected devices too)

SAVE the VISA settings and plug in the meter again.  Don't mess with VISA Aliases for the instument and you'll be fine.  If you do want to change what COM Port it shows up as use the windows device manager to select the port settings tab (Click the "Advanced" button) and use the pulldown to change the port mapping


(I Can't wait for the new driver revision!  It will be like Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one package):smileysad:


"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 12 of 12