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PXIe-5606 Enable Noise Source Power

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Hello!  I'm trying to write a noise figure measurement using the PXIe-5668R VSA, which has a PXIe-5606 inside of it.  There is a Noise Source 28V output I can use to connect to a noise source.  I looked through the NI-RFSA drivers and was able to locate a property node (niRFSA->Device Specific->5606->Noise Source Power Enabled) where I can wire an enumerated type constant (Enabled/Disabled) to control it.


If I were to connect a DMM to the 28V output and enable/disable this property node, I don't see 28V turn on.  Is there more code that needs to be used to properly setup the 28V noise source output of the 5606?  I am attaching a test VI that I'm using to troubleshoot.




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Accepted by topic author Termin8tor


You need to add a call to niRFSA Commit.vi following Enable or Disable to commit the setting (which is cached) to hardware.


Hope this helps!



Andy Hinde, MBA

Principal Systems Engineer

RF and Communications

National Instruments

Message 2 of 3

Thanks for pointing that out, that did the trick!  I'm able to control the 28V output now.

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