Real-Time Measurement and Control

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-1950679035 ethernet modbus conection

Good morning


I am having some problems with mi application in the computer. I'm programming in my computer and testing on my work partner's computer. I am reading or writing data into a PLC (Modicon M430) and I used I/O server to do it (with ethernet modbus).

When I build the application, things work perfectly, and i can execute my application on my computer without any problem.

But when I executed the application on my work partner's computer things are not going well, I can't read or write registers.

I thing that the problem is because the I/O server, but I have tried to compile with the library, or with multiple options but I can't.

When I executed on my computer I can see all data on Distributed system manager and on the other computer say that it's not possible to see the data


The error of the program that gives me is:  


Shared Variable in<APPEND>
This error or warning occurred while reading the following Shared Variable:
\\My Computer\''\Sensor 1
\\localhost\''\Sensor 1


Anyone have any solution??


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