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Establishing connection with measuring device through USB (need VI)

Hello everyone


Short version: 

Testo 480 -> Labview

Sensors: flowrater probe and pressure difference



Slightly longer version:

I need to read the flow rate and pressure difference data from the device live into labview.

Is this possible? There is a live measuring mode in the software that came with it so i'm guessing it is possible in some way.


How do i establish a connection between labview and this device?

I've been googling for the past 2 days but with no succes. I've read many instruction pages,tutorials from NI and old treads but all without succes.


Extra information:

Measuring device: 

Connects with PC trough normal USB cable (Mini USB to USB-A) 

Location of device in device manager: Portable Devices on UMBus Enumerator.


Who can set me on the right track please?

Btw everything works perfectly in the software that came with it so there's a connection with the PC but i want this implemented into a VI.

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Message 1 of 3

Okay so i've learnt that i need to know with what kind of protocol the device communicates with the computer.

This is more of a software problem.

Feel free to lock, delete or move this thread.

If not moved, I will start a new thread when i know the protocol,in the right forum section of course.

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Message 2 of 3

Hey Sydney,


That is exactly what you need, the communication protocol. Since the device uses USB we can narrow is down to a serial protocol. A device driver would be needed if you wanted to control the device through labVIEW. Contacting the manufacturer for this, although since they offer their own software they may not support other software.


Best of luck!



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