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How do I connect an IP Camera to cRIO-9025?

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I have a cRIO 9025 with two ethernet ports. I want to connect an IP camera to the cRIO so as to capture images at regular intervals. I have followed the procedure mentioned in this post:, but MAX still cannot detect the camera. I have downloaded the drivers mentioned in the aforementioned page. Could someone please suggest a solution?


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Accepted by topic author Pranjal Agrawal

Hello Pranjal,


Image acquisition on a cRIO is very limited right now. The only supported RIO acquisition is from IP cameras made by Basler and Axis. These cameras make use of the IMAQdx driver. Take a look at this link, and look under the Fast Ethernet (IP) section for further clarification. Since you are using a Panasonic camera, the driver does not know how to recognize it.


In addition, with the correct type of camera, the IMAQdx drivers need to be installed on both the host PC and the cRIO to properly configure image acquisition. Take a look here for clarification on the proper steps to set this up. Let me know if I can help with anything else.


Best regards,


Sahil Singla

Applications Engineer | National Instruments


Sahil Singla
Applications Engineer | National Instruments

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