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Impact Sensor and LabVIEW?

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I wish to measure the dynamic force applied to a object when struck by a hockey ball travelling at a maximum of 40m/s.

The problem is that I wish to monitor the rate of change of the force, and not the maximum.

I do not wish to use an accelerometer as the vibrations caused by the object being struck interfer with the accelerometer data output.

Are there any sensor packages out that compatible with LabVIEW and NI-9172

Kamilan Naicker
Master Mechatronic Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hello Kamilan,


Dynamic force measurements are typically made with piezoelectric force sensors. Devices used for this type of acquisition typically have a combination of input channels that includes force as well as acceleration measurement channels. Users currently have to specify force channels as either generic Voltage channels or as Accelerometer channels.


Here are several modules that are analog input devices and have these channels.
NI 9215  

NI 9233 


Depending on the maximum amount of force you need to measure, you could go with a smaller range and get a better resolution of the measurement. 

You will have to go to to see what sensors meet your requirements.



Ryan F.


National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 2 of 5



The system at work already has a NI9233 with one spare channel. I believe I have found a suitable sensor the Dytran 1051V4 Force sensor. Can someone confirm that the Dytran

Mini-coax, Teflon jacket, 10-32 plug to BNC plug, white, 10 feet - Part No: 6011A10 is the suitable cable to connect the sensor to the NI9233 and whether I can use the DAQx with this sensor.






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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author Kamilan

Hi Kamilan-


     The Dytran cable that you reference appears to be the correct cable for connecting to the NI 9233 (as long as the cable is a male BNC connector, which it appears to be from the image on the product page).


     And yes, you can use DAQmx as the driver for the 9233.  It will work fine for your sensor.  I would recommend callind Dytran and ensuring that the cable is 1) a male BNC connector and 2) the correct cable for your sensor, as I cannot comment directly on their hardware.


     Best of luck with your application!

Gary P.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 5



Thanks you for the input. The cable is the recommended cable for the senor. As long as it will work with the DAQx I happy 😄 


 And the specs do say BNC... whether it is male or female I have no idea. I will contact the sales rep and inquire.


Thanks for you help


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Message 5 of 5