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Save a waveform as Wav. file and JPEG file

I designed two kinds of LabVIEW prgram.
One  is a noise cancaller , the other is read wav file and save wav file and jpeg file.
I confirmed that those are worked on LabView8.2.1 under A/I moudule of NI9215 and A/O module of NI9263 with CDAQ9712 .
The first  problem is  that I woud like to connect these two program on only one LabVIew panel and make run it.
As shown the attached file, I want to connect  between A and C points   or between B and C points. 
Even though I checked  several kinds of tutorial , manual and NI website for one months, I can't fix that.
Please, help me and let me fix it.
The second problem is whether I can use this same program on LabView 8.5.
I mean that there are lots of error. it's not problem about version when I open this program on LabView 8.5.
I would like to use this same program on my coumputer domain, not target of FPGA , under FPGA of NIcRIO-9004 with A/I moudule of NI9215 and A/O module of NI9263 .
Please, confirm and help me, ASAP.
Jason Lee

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Message 1 of 2
Hi Jason,
For your first question, you can change the type of data coming from the Convert from Dynamic to a single waveform and then connect this output to the input of the Get Waveform (point B to point A). To change the type of data, just double click on the Convert from Dynamic and select 'single waveform' from the 'resulting data type'.
I'm not really sure if I completely understand what you are asking about the second question. You can definitely open the VI created in LabVIEW 8.2.1 in LabVIEW 8.5. However, I don't think this code will work for an FPGA application because it is using DAQmx VIs. This application will work for your first setup because you are using a cDAQ chassis. However, the DAQmx VIs will not work for FPGA. You can find some great examples of FPGA code in the NI Example Finder and then also in FPGA Functions and Examples IPNet. I hope this helps!
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Message 2 of 2