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Unable to rename files when using WebDAV to connect to CompactRIO 9068 controller




I am using a cRIO-9068 controller with Labview Real-time 22.3 and WebDAV Server 20.0.


When I connect to the controller using Windows 10 and/or Linux I can copy files to and from the controller, and I can delete files. It it however not possible to rename files for some reason, see below. This is especially frustrating when using the Windows File Explorer. When you create a new file or directory, or copy a file, it is given a default name. After that it is not possible to rename it to the name it should have.


Is there a solution to this problem, or am I doing something wrong ?


Best regards.



(Z: is the WebDAV Drive on the controller)

Z:\>mkdir Test


Z:\>cd Test


Z:\Test>copy d:\tst.txt z:
1 file(s) copied.


Z:\Test>copy tst.txt tst2.txt
1 file(s) copied.


Z:\Test>ren tst2.txt tst3.txt
A device attached to the system is not functioning.


Z:\Test>del tst2.txt


Volume in drive Z has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000


Directory of Z:\Test


13-02-2023 20:20 <DIR> .
13-02-2023 20:20 <DIR> ..
13-02-2023 20:19 0 tst.txt
1 File(s) 0 bytes
2 Dir(s) 109 836 603 392 bytes free










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