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What OS is on a NI PXIe-8880

According to the PXI Advisor, the NI PXIe-8880 runs NI Real-Time Linux but according to this document it runs Phar Lap ETS.  Also, the manual mentions Linux (in the general sense:  "With LabVIEW for Linux and support for over two hundred devices on Linux ...") but not Phar Lap ETS.


Can somebody tell me which one is correct?


This will be used as a VeriStand target if that matters.

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Message 1 of 6

Hi NathanJD,


The correct answer is "It depends". If you are using LabVIEW RT 201x, it is running Pharlap ETS. If you are using LabVIEW Communications Systems Design Suite or NXG, it is running NI Linux RT. You can always connect a monitor to the controller and know for sure as the boot flows will look different (and at least NI Linux RT will tell you that you are using NI Linux RT when it has finished booting, and, unlike ETS, it offers to let you login to the target).

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Message 2 of 6

I didn't realize that any hardware was compatible with both.  The chart doesn't show any with more than one compatible operating system.


We'll be using NI VeriStand which uses LabVIEW RT (likely 2017) as far as I am aware.  I can't "check to see" because we won't buy one unless we know it will work for our proposed setup.

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Message 3 of 6

Hi NathanJD,


The chart that you've pointed out has not been updated to reflect some of the newer products like Communications System Design Suite. The current release of Veristand is Pharlap ETS based. Out of curiosity, what do you mean when you say "it will work for our proposed setup"? What do you need out of the target to fit into this setup? You may want to work with your sales representative to work out some of the details and feasibility of what it is that you want to do.

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Message 4 of 6

@BradM wrote:

Out of curiosity, what do you mean when you say "it will work for our proposed setup"? What do you need out of the target to fit into this setup?

We are designing a new system and want to make sure that what we propose to our manager will actually work when we get it before he spends $50k+ on hardware from NI.


If it runs Phar Lap ETS then that is what I need because our current systems are also running Phar Lap ETS and would like to re-use Simulink models that were built for it.

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Message 5 of 6

@NathanJD wrote:

@BradM wrote:

Out of curiosity, what do you mean when you say "it will work for our proposed setup"? What do you need out of the target to fit into this setup?

We are designing a new system and want to make sure that what we propose to our manager will actually work when we get it before he spends $50k+ on hardware from NI.


If it runs Phar Lap ETS then that is what I need because our current systems are also running Phar Lap ETS and would like to re-use Simulink models that were built for it.

Then you are set. I can say that you are not alone in having nontrivial investments in non-G resources developed on PharLap ETS.

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Message 6 of 6