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how to calculate the ratio between the maximum and minimum peaks of the two waves using two while loops?

hello everyone,

i'm rai from indonesia


I have a final project about pulse oximetriy, I have some problems,

how to calculate the ratio between the maximum and minimum peaks of the two waves using two while loops to calculate SpO2 ?
My program image can be seen below predicament ?



hitung jadi satu.PNG

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Rai,


You should post this into the LabVIEW forum rather than Real-Time since this isn't a Real-Time application. Your post will see more replies in the LabVIEW forum. 

As far as your question is concerned, you can write the max and min from the respective loops to a local variable to send the data out of the loops to a third loop or just do the calculation in one of the loops. This would be ideal if you're trying to do this while the loop is running. 



National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

hello Jayk, nice to meet you. thank you very much for your suggestion, i will try your suggestion

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Message 3 of 3