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xbee communacationwith use sbrio

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i try to communicate xbee to sbrio and i did not read data from xbee.i connected on serial port and i configurated xbee but i try read data from xbee use sbrio 9636 and how i read data from xbee use sbrio pls help me?

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Message 1 of 18



Can you provide a little more insight into your issue?  How did you try setting up the communication?  Did you use the RS-232 port or just create a Tx and Rx in the DIO?  Do you know what logic level your XBee uses in its communication?




Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 18


firstly thanks for answer my question.i connected rs232 on sbrio board and i use two xbee i wanna tak wifi these device and i use one xbee other computer,other xbee use another pc so two xbee ,two pc.First PC used sbrio for communicated,other pc i use xbee xctu program and i send data from xctu to sbrio but i did not read from sbrio and i try to sent from sbrio to xctu then did not read.i connected xbee to other pc usb port.pls help me and i did not read from sbrio .How to read from rs 232 on on board sbrio?




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Message 3 of 18



Do you know what the specific voltages are that you are trying to output from the XBee over the RS-232 port?  It could be that the logic levels do not match up.  You might need to create DIO channels to handle the communication.  Otherwise, if you are trying to use the RS-232 port, you should be able to find a Serial example in the NI Example Finder!




Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

hi.I communicated between two xbee but i sent data  to other xbee when i read from sbrio error occured and error code -1073807253 pls help me how i fixed this problem and i sent image.and i sent data ASCII code and at the same time i sent data from sbrio to other xbee and i receive but when recived character was not true i received unusual chacter. pls help me

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Message 5 of 18



Here is some information on the error that you are receiving:


Why Do I Receive Error Code -1073807253 When Performing a VISA Serial Read?


I would first recommend looking at this to see if the error can be resolved.



Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 18


İ try these soltion from but i see same error and i did not solve this problem and i have not idea what i will about this problem.Maybe this problem from xbee i thing because for eaxample when i write 'A' from labview and i saw 'F' from XCTU so i send but i recive different character What is this problem?What do you think?

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Message 7 of 18



It sounds like something is not setup properly in your communication.  Have you verified that your VISA settings (Baud rate, Data bits, Parity, etc.) have been setup properly?  Also, do you know at what voltage/logic level your XBee is supposed to be communicating?



Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 18

I setting properly baude rate ,stop bit ,parity bit  and i do not know about logic level for xbee and i try use only one sbrio and i use two xbee then i connected xbee-1 to COM1 and i connected xbee-2 to COM2 and i wrote to xbee-1 and i read to xbee-2 result i did not saw anything, i wrote but i did not read.How to i read andCan i read and write from only one sibrio?

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Message 9 of 18



I noticed that you posted your question on another forum.  Have you tried the solution and the example code that was outlined there?  Here is the post for your reference:


Interfacing sbRIO to Xbee



Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 18