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ViBox - XControls crashes LabVIEW 2010 SP1 if not mass compiled ...

I succeeded in installing the package with the option "Mass Compile VIs after Package Installation" turned off.  That was a bad idea:  When trying to place an XTab.xctl on an empty FP, LabVIEW crashed. (The PlaceHolderString does not have this issue.)  Mass compiling the folder manually fixed this issue.

Just to let you know ...

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Thank you for this feedback.

I can reproduce the crash on my computer with LV2010 SP1.

LV 2011 SP1 and LV2012 beta load correctly Xtab when they are not compiled. Something should have been fixed in XControl loading process since LV2011.  Note that I've create a new document in order to list the known issues related to ViBox - XControls.



Olivier Jourdan

Wovalab founder | DQMH Consortium board member | LinkedIn |

Stop writing your LabVIEW code documentation, use Antidoc!
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