Sheffield LabVIEW User Group

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Hi All!

With only a few days until we launch the first Sheffield labView User Group I thought we could all introduce ourselves a little on the forum? Whether you are able to attend Thursdays event or are planning on attending future events its a great way to get to know each other a little before the day!

I'll start.....

I'm Susannah Tooze (Sooze to pretty much everyone!) and have been working with Austin Consultants since August this year. I joined as Digital Brand Strategist with the goal of a) setting up and promiting user groups and b) helping to spread the word about all the cool things we are doing with labVIEW.

My background is pretty varied! Prior to this I have worked for quite a large Digital Agency, IT Recruitment and also Railway Bridge design, with my degree from Leeds University being in Civil and Structural Engineering. (told you it was varied!)

Looking forward to hearing all about you!


Message 1 of 12

Hey Guys,

My name is Jason Appleby and I have been working with Austin Consultants since June this year. My role at Austin is a Systems Engineer, I help develop software, primarily using LabVIEW to aid customers in their projects.

I am a recent graduate from Sheffield Hallam University, where I achieved a 2:1 in Electronic Engineering BEng. I also had a placement year as part of my degree where I was introduced to LabVIEW. I was taught the fundamentals of programming in LabVIEW as well as understanding what it means to work in a small business.

If you have any questions about LabVIEW or where to get started, please don't hesitate to ask.

See you all on Thursday,


Message 2 of 12

*Stands up* Hi. I'm Sam and I'm a LabVIEW Developer. *Sits down*

I've been using LabVIEW for about 4/5 years, CLD/CTD and hoping to take my CLA this year.

After getting a small taste of LabVIEW in my final year at Uni (Mechatronics at Sheffield, as it happens), I started out working for a small defence company as a Controls/R&D Engineer where I learnt LabVIEW properly (training courses and everything - indoctrinated the NI way!). For the last 21 months I've been working full-time as a LabVIEW Software Engineer at Intelligent Energy in Loughborough. Our team does a wide range of software applications for testing Hydrogen fuel cells, fuel cell systems and also some production testing on components/assemblies.

I have a particular interest in using LabVIEW with the Web (before Internet of Things was popular and cool - like a Hipster ) - things like WebSockets, connecting to databases, JS/JSON, etc. If anyone was at NI Week this year you may have seen the Giant Tetris I put together for NI which does most of these things.

I went to the CLD summit earlier in the year which I thought was a really good event to meet fellow developers with some really interesting presentations which provided lots of food for thought for developing my own skills so I'm hoping that SLUG (what a name - can we have a logo with a slug on it please?) will offer the same sort of opportunities. Plus you get re-cert points!

Unfortunately I won't be attending this Thursday due to the event taking place in working hours and not feeling like I can take the time out right now. Hope to attend and present in the future though.


Message 3 of 12

Hi Sam!

Thanks for the intro! We'll keep you posted about future dates for the event for sure,

Hopefully meet you in person soon,


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

Hi all,

I'm Dave Catto, Systems Architect at Austin Consultants. I'm a CLA and CLED (Embedded Developer). I've been working with LabVIEW since 2003, so am quickly becoming an old timer! I'm helping Sooze put this user group together, and we'd really love to hear from you all.

We are really looking forward to meeting you all on Thursday, and it is a great opportunity for you all to meet the Austin team here in Sheffield. Chris, Jason, Sooze, Norbert and myself will all be available throughout the afternoon.

Hopefully you've all recevied the Eventbrite invitation, which gives a rough idea of the agenda, but we are happy to freeform a little a way from this, if necessary!!

Our main aim is to give you (and us!) a forum to discuss LabVIEW related topics with likeminded people and hopefully be able to spike your interest in techniques, subject areas and hardware, over and above that which you have access to in your current role...

We'd also really like to hear from you and what you are up to in the LabVIEW world, so please let us know if you'd like to present something yourself, even if it is just a 5 minute presentation.

Enough from me!! Looking forward to Thursday - see you there.


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Message 5 of 12

Hi everyone!

My name's Mark Whiteley and I'm the local Field Sales Engineer for National Instruments covering the "East Midlands", which really covers from York and Leeds down to Leceister and Northampton with everything inbetween. Most of my day is spent out meeting with customers who are both new and experienced with NI tools, during this time I try to better understand the short and longterm plans of what their projects are and how using our tools can help them become more productive & capable.

I've been working at NI for 4 years, starting off in the office which is based in Newbury going through being both an internal sales engineer as an applications engineer - building up both my technical knowledge, and knowledge of NI's tools. Before then I graduated from the University of Exeter with a degree in Physics.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


Best regards,

Mark W
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
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Message 6 of 12

Hello All,

My name is Tim Shelley and i work at AMRC (University of Sheffield) as a Electronic Design Engineer, i have been using LV on/off for the past 2/3years, currently we have several embedded engineer projects related to manufacturing, system integration of machine process monitoring. 

I am attending the SLUG tomorrow and just wanted to pose an open question to other attendees about what they are using LV? I am very intested in the WebSockets presentation, as one of our projects is looking at best methods to pass data from sensors up to enterprise systems, used in post processing/analysising data to better understand the systems and processes and really add value.

Look forwrard to meeting tomorrow.


Message 7 of 12

Hi All,

My name is Howard Belk and I work at Diamond Microwave in Leeds. I got a BSc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Univ of Leeds around the time of the Yorkshire Ripper, which was scary, then did an external PhD whilst working at Filtronic. I have written design software in Fortran and Basic and dabbled with C. I have written code to control test equipment in HP 'Rocky Mountain' Basic (which never crashed in 15 years of use!).

I am just picking up LV to be able to maintain test software that contractors wrote, at great expense, and needs tlc. (plus it doesn't do what we want anyway!)

I used to travel to Ponds Forge in Sheffield a lot when our children swam competitively, but not these days

Looking forward to doing the online self-paced stuff so I can regain control!


Message 8 of 12

Great to "meet" you Howard! Hope to meet you in person at the next SLUG event.

All the best


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

Hi everyone,

Im Chris, started my engineering education many years ago, as a Radar Systems engineer in the Army, and after a wide and varied number of jobs, Im now a mature student waiting to start my final year on a Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering degree at the University of Leeds. Was introduced to LV in my 2nd year, building a buggy to race down a course. Since then, I have dabbled with C, C++ and C# and currently I am studying for my CLAD, and hoping to gain my CLD before I graduate an the end of next year.

Looking forward to meeting new people, and learning more about LV.


Message 10 of 12