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LabVIEW Tip: Unlock files in the Build Specification

Creating applications can sometimes take a while, especially making sure you have each file placed exactly where you need it. Also being able to support multiple operating systems can have its nuances, User Account Control (UAC) being one of the worst offenders.

Due to administrator rights in the Program Files areas on newer PCs, the recommended path to save data for your application from Windows Vista and onwards is in the <Application Data> directory, however, many times this area is not utilised or may be forgotten about.

As an alternative, there is an underused feature in the Build Specification that allows you to â&#128;&#156;unlockâ&#128;&#157; files and folders. When you unlock a file or folder, you remove administrator access requirements from deployed files and folders, which allows anyone to edit files and folders after they have been installed. Easy fix!

LabVIEW Tip 1 Build Specification Screenshot

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I really find these tips very very useful. Keep up the great work Austin.

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