Signal Conditioning

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ECG signal processing



please i need help with the following topic, any help would be appreciated.


i am new user to labview so you can say that i am still in the learning level.i am working with a project withing my biomedical field.


i implemented an ECG circuit and i have to  filter the noise in the signal as well as to enhance it to see an obvious QRS peak.

i decided to do that in labview.


i connected a microcontroller to my circuit (16F874)to convert the signal from analogue to digital and transmitt the signal serially (RS232)  through a serial port.

i need a VI that configures the serial port,filter the signal, and do a fourier transform untill i obtain a good signal.


plzz need help 🙂



Bill David
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Bill David,


1. You might get more help if you posted on the LabVIEW board since it appears that your question is more about LV than about signal conditioning.

2. If you have not done so, please work through the on-line Getting Started with LV tutorials.  This will save you more time than it takes to do the tutorials.

3. If you cannot see the ECG peak in the raw signal, you need to improve your circuit.  A good differential amplifier with a simple band-limiting filter should produce at least a visible QRS peak.

4. LabVIEW has built in functions and VIs for configuring a serial port (plus reading, writing, closing, ...), filters, and FFT. After you have done (2) you will know how to find them and connect them.

5. Software is not magic. If the information is not present in the raw digitized signal, you will not be able to get it by any amount of processing. The earlier in the process you get rid of noise and interference (or avoid collectign it in the first place), the better the overall performance of your system wil be.


6. To get good help, please ask specific questions.



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

THank you for the information you provided to me. I appreciate your help. 


here is the attached VI that i am working with in order to acquire the ECG signal but i just dont know how to filter function as well as fourier transform function for the VI in order for the signal to be as much as clear .


any help would be appreciated .




Bill David

Bill David
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

It looks like you are getting some advice in your other thread.  Let's keep everything there.



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Message 4 of 4