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How do I get Data View to display the same amount of time that I am recording?

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I'm using the Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite.  In Data View, I'm displaying a Time Graph, Power Spectrum, Color Map and Waterfall.  I'm also showing Power in Band numbers for several bands, and doing a Peak Search.  I'm recording 100 ms of the transient waveform.  In the Data View, why do the time-based plots show several seconds of data??  What determines how much time is displayed in Data View?  More importantly, does the power spectrum reflect the power for the entire several seconds of displayed data?  Same question for the Power in Band and Peak Search values.  I just want this data displayed for the 100 ms of the waveform that I'm recording.  So, how do I get the displayed data (waveforms and power numbers) to come from just the 100 ms of the recorded waveform?


Lastly, what is the best way to concisely report the recorded data?  Dragging the numbers into the Documentation tab isn't concise, since it comes with graphs, etc.  I tried Save to ASCII/LVM, but I get a bunch of intermiated stuff that I don't care about.  Help??

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Message 1 of 4

Please post your project so we can take a look at it.  Without it, we are guessing.  But to do some guessing:


Since you are recording, it sounds like your time-based plots are showing the entire log instead of the current segment.  Is your preview graph showing (graph of all the data)?  If not, right click on the main graph and change this setting.  Then right click on the preview and change to only show the current iteration.  Note that when you finish, it will automatically switch to the whole log.  If you want to see only the current segment, remove the log data from the graph and drag the data from the step into the graph.


The power spectrum, etc are showing data only from the last iteration.


We cannot answer your final questions without more information.  Exactly what do you want to report?  The answer to this, with an attached project, will allow us to help you.

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Message 2 of 4

Okay, I've attached the project file.  In it, you'll see that I'm recording only 100 ms of the observed transient waveform.  In the Data View, you'll see a time graph 200 ms in length (why 200 ms?).  You'll also see a colormap that's 2 seconds in length (why 2 sec?).  You'll also see a waterfall graph that's 1 second in length (why 1 sec?).  And for the reported "power in band" numbers and peak numbers near the bottom of the display, I have no idea over what time period these numbers are derived from.  I'd like all of the graphs and numbers in the Data View to be derived only from the 100 ms of data that I'm recording.  I'm a newbie to Signal Express, so I'm assuming there are easy answers here, but I haven't found them.  Thanks for your help!

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author TimRsandiego

Hi TimRsandiego,


SignalExpress is programmed to display graphs with default scales based on the kind of measurement it is reading. These scales and settings can be changed by right clicking on the graph and selecting properties.


If you are interested in learning more about how to use SignalExpress, I would recommend checking out some of the demonstrations/tutorials on You can find some of these demos at the following location:


<link no longer exists>


Let me know if you have any other questions.



Andrew M.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 4