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Send signal out via BNC-2110

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I am new to Signal Express and using 2009 version.

I want to send a rising 0-5volt step pulse analog out through NI BNC-2110 to trigger another instrument once the analog input starts i.e. to sync different recordings. It must be simple but I just could'nt figure it out. Can some one help me with step by step basis,I really don't understand ..please..




I tried couples of ways suggested in the forum:


1) Create Analog Signal-DC-how do I create a rising 0-5V, it just has an offset box?

2) DAQmx Generate- Analog output-Dev1_ao0. which one should i use 1) or 2)

3)DAQmx Generate-Digtal port output -port0-what is programmatic input?







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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author ikothman

Hello ilya,


I recommend checking out some of the analog generation examples we have in our example finder.  If you open the help menu, and select Example Finder the finder will pop up.  From there navigate to Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx>>Analog Generation and take a look at some of the examples provided.


When outputting a signal remember to select the correct channel you want the signal to be transmitted from.  So when it says Dev1_ao0 that means the signal will be output on ao0 of your BNC-2110.


Let me know if you have anymore questions while developing your application.




David A.



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Message 2 of 3
Hi David,

Thanks..After going through the tutorials, I understand more on how the system works..

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Message 3 of 3