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how to change default number format for saved data in signalexpress

I cannot find an option for determining format and precision of saved data. By default it is scientific with i think 3 siginificant numbers. How and where to do it?
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Hello Stjepan,


Are you talking about the Data View Display Properties?


If not, explain what format and precision you are interested in changing? Is it the data you see on the screen? The data being saved to a file?




Peter Flores
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6
For data saved in file... Ascii or LVM. Any idea?
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

There is currently no way to change the format of the output for ASCII and LVM files in SignalExpress.  This feature is high on our future enhancements list, but I can not give you an implementation date for a variety of reasons Smiley Sad .  I would highly recommend requesting the feature.  This would tend to push it up in the priority queue.  Customers always have higher priority than internal developers!


You can create a User Step to do this (not trivial).  An easier method may be to log in TDMS format and then convert to the ASCII format of your choice using LabVIEW (if you have it).


Please accept our apologies.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Stjepan, it sounds like you're right where I was 2 months ago! Glad to see I'm not the only one struggling w/ SE.


Here's what I've had to do to control the precision of the data in my ascii file.


Insert an Amplitudes and Levels step from Analysis>Time Domain Measurements.

In the A&L settings, deselect Export RMA Value (keep Export DC Value selected).

Now drag that DC signal from the A&L step into your data view (literally drag and drop this signal  onto the graph). From here you can configure the data view's properties to your likings, I.E, significant digits or digits of precision, floating point, etc.

I've found that Floating Point,  2 Significant Digits, and uncheck Hide Trailing Zeros to work well (visually speaking).


Insert your Save to ASCII step after the A&L step, and be sure to save your A&L's DC signal.

The data will export exactly as it's shown in the display.


TIP: you can rename your signals from any of the steps. This is handy because it's the renamed channel names that show up in your data headers (much more descriptive when you have multiple channels).


My apologies if this is all information you already know... 

Message Edited by OKors on 09-10-2009 10:27 AM
SCXI- 1000 Chassis w/ 1346 adapter
PCI 6281 DAQ card
SCXI- 1520 Bridge Board w/ 1314 Terminal Block (x2)
SCXI- 1180 Feedthrough Panel w/ 1302 Block
Signal Express 2014.
Win7 Enterprise
Message 5 of 6

OKors method is actually working well. However, due to the nature of the "Amplitude and Levels" step, it is taking average of the data, which may not be a good method, in case you want to log all te raw data.


Here, I created a little VI (LV 2010) for converting the Scientific Format into the Floating Point format (6 points of precision). Anyone can easily change the format he/she would like.



(Bay) Candan CANER
National Instruments Türkiye
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Message 6 of 6