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Continuity measurement with keithley 3706


I'm a new user and i'm having some basic dificulties with a Keithley 3706 system switch/multimeter and two 3723 boards and i'm programming it using LabView.
I have to measure continuity and insulation of 31 pins. Explaining better, i have one plug with 31 male pins, and other plug with 31 female pins, that goes on tools, and i have to be sure that each line is continue and insulated from each other.
The continuity part i made using :
2 Poles configuration, measuring resistance with 2 wire ohms funcions, so i puted each male pin in the channels 1 to 31(high), and each female pin in the channels 61 to 91(low). Then i can close the channel that i want and see that is ok. 
But now i have to compare one channel to each other. I readed a about this and a i believe that i have to chance the configuration to four wire ohms. But i'm not sure, so my questions are:
Can i do insulation checks within the two wire ohms function? How can i tell the system for example to measure from the ch01 HIGH to ch02 high, or low... is there any way?
If not, How can i do this in the four wire configuration, reminder that i have two 3723 boards? As you can see i'm a realy new user with this kind of system. I didn't found any clue in the manual that comes with the system.


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Você poderia por favor ser mais específico na sua dúvida? Você está utilizando LabVIEW? Que versão?





Luciano Borges
Test Development Engineer
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Message 2 of 6



Você poderia por favor descrever com mais detalhes a sua dúvida? Você utiliza LabVIEW? Que versão?





Luciano Borges
Test Development Engineer
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Message 3 of 6



Você poderia por favor descrever com mais detalhes a sua dúvida? Você utiliza LabVIEW? Que versão?





Luciano Borges
Test Development Engineer
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Message 4 of 6

Me desculpe por enviar tantas mensagens, o servidor as replicou.





Luciano Borges
Test Development Engineer
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Message 5 of 6

Hi Fransisco,


First off, I'm glad to hear that you were already able to test for continuity on one channel.  To do this I imagine you are setting one mux to to channel 1 (which would be one side of your cable) with the common going to the HIGH of the DMM) and the second mux to channel 1 (which would be the other side of your cable) with its common going to the LOW of the DMM).


For your insulation measurement are you still looking for a resistance measurement?  If so, then you can connect your first mux to channel 1, and the second mux to channel 2.  This would measure the resistance from the first wire to the second wire.  You should not need to use a four wire measurement to do that.


If that is not what you want to do please let us know,

Eric S.
AE Specialist | Global Support
National Instruments
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Message 6 of 6